Wednesday, April 6, 2011


3rd ANNIVERSARY TODAY- As per English Calander on 6th April 2008 I have started writing Hamd (Hymn) in Hindi based on the teachings of Quran with the target to write 10000 verses, by the grace of Allah (SWT) till today on the 3rd Anniversary I have completed 3370 verses, and hope entire projecte will be completed in2015-Inshallah. Commenting on this pious and humanatrian approach author of Mrityunjay Bhagat Singh and Swabhiman ka Soorya Pandit Raj Shekahr Vyas, Dy. Direcotr General of Doordarshan & prominent kalidas sahitya Sanskrit scholar wrote- Vilakshan aur nisandhe adbhut karya, is mahan prayas ke liye meri koti koti badhai sweekar karein.//// pl. see

Saturday, February 19, 2011


ashabhosle twitted-

@PANDITMUSTAFA Wah. Congratulations.